Real Estate Developer v. Caltrans
/in Notable Cases, Real Estate Litigation /by cre8admuserReal Estate Developer v. Caltrans
Our client owned highway frontage property in gold country. After he obtained entitlements to develop the site as an outlet mall, Caltrans installed a truck weigh station on his property without his permission that took away access to the adjacent highway. At trial, we won a verdict for the client of $500,000 with an additional attorney’s fees award equal to 1/3rd of the verdict, plus a costs award.
HOA Dispute
/in Notable Cases, Real Estate Litigation /by Alex WeyandHOA Dispute
We represented owners of a condo unit accused of making substantial renovations to the common area without consent of the HOA. Our clients prevailed on all the claims at a binding arbitration.
Hinds Investments v. Ryan
/in Environmental Litigation, Notable Cases /by Alex WeyandHinds Investments v. Ryan
Shopping center owner sued our client for environmental cleanup costs of over $2MN. After completing key discovery, we filed a successful motion for summary judgment and our client was dismissed from the case.